Monday, December 20, 2010

Taylor Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with Grammy and Grandpa Taylor this past weekend! I was so excited that the weather cooperated and that they were able to come! We had such a great time! Here is Jake showing off his new crawling skills!!! He is nonstop now!
Jake playing with his new house!

Jake also just got his 4th tooth!!! I'm hoping that we will get a small break before any more come in! It would be nice to stem the flow of drool for a week or two. Here are a few random photos.
Jake loves helping me wrap presents.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Watch Out World....Here I Come!!!

Where's Waldo....

or Where's Jake?!?!?! Yep, that's him under the tree....again! I step out of the room for one minute and when I come back, Jake is GONE! After I panic for what seems like forever (really only a few seconds) I hear something coming from under the tree. Normally he lays under there so I see feet or hands or a head or some body part. I had to look twice and get down on my hands and knees to see him. What a little monkey!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

When we first put up our tree, Jake hated the prickly branches. I thought that wasn't so bad because I wouldn't have to worry about him messing with it. After a few days though, Jake warmed right up to it and now I can't keep him out of it! I might have to buy one of those baby gates that go clear around the tree. Jake has become a master at maneuvering backwards and rolling, so he can position himself nicely right underneath the tree. Jake loves batting at the ornaments. He really wants his present! Jake figured out how to sit up all by himself from his tummy today. He is so proud of himself! I finally managed to get a shot of his two bottom teeth without his tongue in the way. you can kind of see them in there :) They are about a quarter of the way in, so we still probably have some time until they are completely in.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I turn my back for 2 seconds...

and this is what happens. Yep, Jake went from playing with the magnets on the fridge to sitting in the middle of Reagan's food. I actually pulled him out of the food and wiped his hands off before I took the pics. I didn't want him to decide he wanted to taste it while I was getting the camera :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving and More!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We were supposed to go to Kansas City, but couldn't make it due to the roads in Des Moines. It was a bummer, but we decided to make the best of the situation and make a big meal at home. Here is a pic of Jake LOVING his mashed potatoes. By the end of dinner Jake had mashed potatoes in his hair, ears and nose. Thanks goodness Jake loves bath time!! Jake has really been moving a shaking lately. He still can't crawl forward, but he has no problems getting around. He will get frustrated when he backs himself into a corner because he can't move forwards, just backwards. We will shortly have to move everything off of the bottom shelves. Jake loves playing with the nobs on the DVD player. He also loves Jason's xbox game cases. Our poor lil' guy has his first ear infection. We had him at the doctors today, and she also said that on top of the ear infection, Jake's top right tooth will probably break through in the next week. Poor kid! At least I know why he has been so fussy the last couple of days. Jake will be 8 months old tomorrow. The doctor weighed him while he was there today and Jake weighs a whopping 20 lbs!! It must have been all of those potatoes at Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010


So it looks like I won't have the only 2 year old with dentures anymore. Jake finally cut his first tooth. Well, his first and second tooth, all in the same day! I will post pics as soon as I can get in there. The poor lil' guy is guarding his mouth and won't let me near it. Jake has also started clapping his hands together. It's cute to see because he is so random with it. We will try to get him to clap, and he just stares at us like we're nuts. He will be playing with his toys, get distracted, and then start clapping. Grandma and Grandpa Corpus stopped by to visit and it was great seeing them! Jake had a great time playing!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Backward Army Crawl

So Jake's new obsession is the backward army crawl. He does it constantly. Today he actually pushed himself onto his knees and started rocking. I ran and got the camera, but by the time I got back he had already went back to his tummy.Jake started out on the blanket and got stuck when he ran into his jumperoo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

7 Months Old!!!

Jake is 7 months old today!! We celebrated by going to the poles and voting :) Here are a few pics I took this morning. We bought Jake a toy tv remote because he loves drooling all over ours. He accidentally smacked himself in the forehead above his left eye, giving himself a bruise. He then gives me the 'why did you do that' look.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Jake's first Halloween!! He was the cutest giraffe around! He loved playing with the leaves and grass. He was so interested in pulling the grass out of the ground that it was hard to get him to look at the camera. Here is Jake posing with Reagan, his BFF! Jake went trick-or-treating tonight at the neighbors house! We went over to say 'hi' and Jake actually held his hand out for candy :) Playing on the computer while waiting for trick-or-treaters. Our pumpkins!