Jake's first Halloween!! He was the cutest giraffe around!

He loved playing with the leaves and grass. He was so interested in pulling the grass out of the ground that it was hard to get him to look at the camera.

Here is Jake posing with Reagan, his BFF! 
Jake went trick-or-treating tonight at the neighbors house! We went over to say 'hi' and Jake actually held his hand out for candy :)
Playing on the computer while waiting for trick-or-treaters.
Our pumpkins!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Here are just some recent pics that we have taken. Jake refuses to be on his back now. If you lay him down anywhere, he immediately rolls over. This is a pic we grabbed after bath a few weeks ago. He was quite proud of himself :)
He loves being on his stomach and can scoot backwards across the floor. It's actually quite comical because he will scoot half way across the living room, and then realize he is far away from his toys. He then gets upset because he can't army crawl forward yet.
It has been amazing to see, but just over the last 24 hours Jake has mastered sitting. Before he could tripod sit for about 30 seconds, but now he is sitting like a champ. I put pillows behind him still just in case, but he has been doing really well. Earlier today, Jake sat for about 15 minutes before he fell over reaching for Reagan. On that note, Reagan better watch out for the day that Jake learns how to army crawl forward. It will be a constant game of chase. Jake LOVES Reagan.

As you can see in the above pics, Jake's drooling is out of control. We go through 5 or 6 bibs and 2 to 3 outfit changes a day. We are always checking for teeth but nothing yet. My child might be the only 2 year old with dentures. I'm convinced there aren't any teeth in there! He also likes sucking on his lower lip. I don't know if this is a teething thing or just a quirky, new habit. I checked on Jake during his nap last week and he had fallen asleep while he was rubbing his eyes...too cute!
Jacob's Baptism
Sunday, October 17, we had Jake baptized. We spent a wonderful day hanging out with our family!! It was so great seeing everyone!

Godparents: Aunt Melissa, Aunt Alissa & Ose
Jake loved chewing on his bib! I think it helped keep him occupied while we were up front.
Jake with Grandma and Grandpa Corpus. Jake was chewing so hard on his keys that he had his eyes closed.
Grammy and Grandpa Taylor
Jake playing with Aunt Melissa and Aunt Alissa
Aunt Alissa, Cousin Payton and Jake
Cousin Payton driving the golf cart with Jason
Cousin Payton loved riding in the bagger!
Just hangin' around
Monday, October 11, 2010
We have a sitter!!
Jacob has started to tripod sit! He is still really wobbly, but loves to practice. He normally will sit for about 20 seconds, get really excited and start kicking his legs which sends him toppling to the ground. Here is a pic of our big boy!
Giggling after falling over.
Jake has also figured out how to make himself jump on purpose in the jumperoo and loves it!
We had to adjust the seat and move it up because Jake has grown so much. At his 6 month appointment he was 26.5 inches and weighed 17 lbs 4 oz! 
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Our Lil' Pumpkin!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
6 Months!!
Jake is 6 months old today!!! I can't believe how big he is getting! I don't know where the last 6 months have gone, but they flew by. Here are a few 'then and now' pics to reminisce....
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