So, my water broke at 35 weeks and 6 days while Jason was in Georgia. After calling labor and delivery I called Jason to tell him. Of course, he already new what was coming...why would his pregnant wife be calling him at 1:00am on a Friday morning. He immediately started looking for flights that would get him home sooner than 11:30am. I was running around the house packing last minute items into my hospital bag. Believe it or not, I had packed and Jason had installed the car seat just days before. After getting the car packed up, I headed for the hospital. Amazingly, I was extremely calm because Jason talked to me on the phone during the drive to the hospital.
After getting to the hospital and getting checked in, Jason found a flight that would get him back to Iowa by 10am. He had originally flown out of Cedar Rapids but his new flight flew into Moline. We were truly blessed that Jason was able to book that flight because his original flight was later canceled. If he wouldn't have booked the earlier flight, he wouldn't have made it back home for Jacob's birth. Meanwhile, Jason had also called all of our family to let them know what was going on. My in-laws live a few hours away, so they were at the hospital by around 6am that morning. Richard dropped Connie off at the hospital to keep me company and then left to pick up Jason at the airport since he didn't have his car there.
After being checked by the doctor, we found out that Jacob was breech! The doctor then told me that we had to have a c-section and they had to do it before active labor set in. I immediately told them that was fine, but we had to wait until Jason got there. The doctor said they would discuss it with the other faculty, but we might have to do it before then. I told the doctor that I didn't care what her faculty said...we were don't want to mess with a pregnant woman! Luckily, shortly after that, my OBGYN came on duty and she took care of everything! She told me as long as Jacob was fine and not under any stress then we could wait until Jason got there. God was with us the whole time because Jason's flight got into the airport at 9:20am...40 minutes early! The flight crew knew what was going on, so they had sat him in first class right by the door so he could be the first person off the plane. He sprinted off the plane, left all of his luggage (including his golf clubs :) at the airport and was at the hospital with me by 10am!!! An emergency C-section had come in at about the time Jason arrived, so they pushed my C-section back. It was really nice to have a few hours with Jason to relax and mentally get ready to have a baby!!
After I was already to go, they brought Jason in to sit with me. When my doctor said, "Do you want to see him dad?" Jason jumped up and went around the curtain. He was thinking that they would have Jacob out, but much to his surprise, they only had his foot and leg out. She finished pulling Jacob out and as thanks, Jake urinated all over her :) Jacob Joel Corpus was born at 12:59 pm weighing 7 lbs 1 oz, and he was 18" long! Jason went over with the doctors to cut the cord and it was then that I heard Jacob crying. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.
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