Now that Jake has figured out the art of standing up and sitting down, it is all we do. He is starting to slowly cruise along the edges of the furniture, so I'm sure just standing up will soon be out of style. Jake had his 9 month checkup a few weeks ago. He is 20 lbs 3 oz and 28 in. tall. Jake also just cut his 5th tooth. He is growing up way to fast!! My favorite thing that he does is that when he hears the garage door at night, he crawls over to the top of the stairs to wait for Jason. He is always so excited to see his Daddy come home!
Jason and I spent our first night away from Jake last weekend. We had a wonderful, relaxing time and it was really nice spending one on one time with Jason again. We missed our little guy and were so excited to see him when we got home! Thanks Grandma Connie for watching him!
Jake and Reagan are now inseparable! They have quickly become BFF's. Jake has always loved Reagan, and now that Jake feeds himself and her, Reagan LOVES him too :) We have to baby gate Jake out of the kitchen when Reagan eats her food because he will try to eat the dog food right along with her. They are quite the pair.

Well, I'd better wrap this up and head to bed. Here are just a few more random pics of Jake playing.....well, Jake and Jason :)

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